Climate Neutral Certified
We measure our impact so that we can take action to reduce it.This self-reflexive process drives decisions in all aspects of our business from product design, to supply chain and all the way through to how we get our products in your hands.Why do we operate like this? Certainly not because it’s easy! We do it because we believe it is our core responsibility as a business.And reducing impact in a meaningful way can’t be done alone. We rely on a trifecta of partners to help guide our efforts and keep our standards sky high and trending ever upward.
Climate Neutral Certified
We believe that all business should be accountable for their carbon emissions. As a Climate Neutral Certified Brand since 2021, we measure our footprint annually, reduce what we can, and offset the rest by purchasing verified offsets.
Sustainability at Super Sparrow
The most sustainable products are the kind that never need to be thrown away or replaced. Super Sparrow has created reusable products, reducing demand for disposable products that end up in waste and water streams.